bhansalisoft-software tools

Forex MT4 Copy Trading

500$ 6 Month

Regular license

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License Terms

  • Quality Software
  • Feature Updates
  • 6 Month Support Inclued
  • Single Machine License

Support Email

Forex MT4 Copy Trading Software

Forex MT4 Copy Trading Software - is Copy Trading software for Angle Broking.

  • Software will capable to copy master client order to multiple clinets
  • Software will all clients with there credential
  • You can check order history of all clients
  • From Software , you can close all open orders in one click

Project Requirement

  • Window operating System

Installation Process

  • You will Recieve only Software. Code is not Included
  • After Purchase Product purchase code is your Licence code. if you face issue in license please email me
  • After i Confirm your purchase Code , Please Unzip Main File and Run ForexCopyTrading.exe and Register your Licence as per below Screen.
    • Licence Email : Registered Email.
    • Registration Code : Purchase Code.
    • After Registration you can Use Software.

Getting Started

After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

Now Start Trading With below Steps

  • First We need to Configure MT4 Broker SERVER File on software configure which extension is .srv For Get MT4 Broker SERVER File. You need to take MT4 SERVER .SRV File from Broker Config Folder and Paste all .srv files on Software "Config" Folder For Example , For OCTAFX , I copy srv file from config folder to our software config folder , watch below video
  • After Step 1, Start Software
  • Manage Client : Click on Manage Client Menu , it will open below screen Fill below Details
    • Client Unique Name : Enter Unique name
    • MT4 Client Code: Enter Your Angel Client Code
    • MT4 Password : Enter Your MT4 Password
    • MT4 Server : Select MT4 SERVER For Get All MT4 SERVER, You need to take MT4 SERVER .SRV File from Broker Config Folder and Paste all .srv files on Software "Config" Folder For Example , For OCTAFX , I copy srv file from config folder to our software config folder , watch below video
    • Master Client : if you want order will be copy from this client , then set client as Master Client.
    • Active : You can active and Deactive client anytime
    • Multiple : If you want on child client trade quantity will multiply which trade on Master client. you can put here multiple value. like if you put 2 then if in master client have 1 quantity for trade then in child client it will copy trade with 2 quantity.
      Note :We are not store any data so not responsibe for any financial loss/profit . all this data save in local xml file :ClientData.xml
  • Click on Start Copy Order ,it will take all today order from master client and copy on all child clients which you manage on ManageClient Screen.

Order History Report

Support Policy

  • Disclaimer : We are not saving any data on our server except license detail. all data on your local machine software folder. we are not responsibe for any type of financial risk.
  • Support Will not Provide any types of customization.
  • If you need any customization so extra cost will be charge.
  • Single license support will provide for one single domain.

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