bhansalisoft-software tools

Bhansalisoft Inventory and Account Management software-GST

50$ 6 Month

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  • Quality Software
  • Feature Updates
  • 6 Month Support Inclued
  • Single Machine License

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“BH-Inventory And GST Account Management Software” Documentation by “bhansalisoft” v1.0

  • You will Recieve only Software with 1 Year License . Code is not Included
  • After Purchase Product your purchase code is licence code.
  • Please Unzip Main File and Run bhinvenotry.exe and Register your Licence as per below Screen.
    • Licence Email : Registered Email.
    • Registration Code : Evanto Purchase Code.
    • After Registration you can Use Software.

What is BH-Inventory And GST Account Management Software?

BH-Inventory And Account Management Software - is Stock Inventory Management System with Sales/Purchase POS Management and GST-Account Management System.

  • Software have faciliy for muliple company stock management.
  • Software Manage All Customer and Supplier Information
  • Software will Manage Products With Category Wise and Unit Conversion System
  • Software will show Current Stock OF Products Reports
  • Software will Manage Purchase Products from Suppliers
  • Software will Manage Sell Products to Customers
  • Software have faciliy for Purchase and Sales Invoices with GST
  • Software have faciliy for Purchase and Sales Invoices with GST
  • Software Will Manage All ledger Types, Opening Balance
  • Software Will Manage Customer payment recipt, Supplier paid Amount Entry.
  • Software Will Manage Customer payment recipt, Supplier paid Amount Entry.


After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

  • Login with
    • Select Default Firm "MyCompany"
    • User Name :sa
    • Password: sa

      After Login Dashboard will show

      Add Customer information

    • For Add Customer Click on Database >Manage Customers
      • You can manage all Customers infomration with there name ,email,mobiles. you can edit ,delete and export all detail
      • For add Customers information, Click on Add button
    • Add Supplier Information

    • For Add Supplier Information,Click on Database >Manage Suppliers
      • You can manage all supplier information. you can edit ,delete and export all detail
      • For add supplier information, Click on Add button
    • Add Product Unit

    • For Manage Product unit like KG, Liter, Gram ,Click on Menu >Manage Units
    • For add New Units , Click on Add button
    • Add Product Category

    • For Manage Product Category,Click on Database >Manage Category
    • For add New Category , Click on Add button
    • Add Product Infomration

    • For Manage Product infomration,Click on Database >Manage Products
    • For add New Product , Click on Add button
    • Here , you can product name, product purchase price,sale price, current stocks etc information
    • Add Sales Transaction for customer

    • For Manage Sales Transaction,Click on Transactions >Sales
    • You will show all sales transaction with filter options
    • For add New Sale , Click on Add button
    • Here , you can select customer name, with multiple product details
    • Salse invoice also generate As per GST Requirement, you can print any time using print button
    • Add Purchase Transaction from Supplier

    • For Manage Purchase Transaction,Click on Transactions >Purchase
    • You will show all Purchase transaction with filter options
    • For add New Purchase , Click on Add button
    • Here , you can select supplier name, with multiple product details
    • purchase invoice also generate As per GST Requirement, you can print any time using print button
    • Account Management

      Add Account Ledger Type Like Cash, Bank Ledger

    • For Manage Account Ledger Type,Click on Ledger >Create Ledger
    • For add New Ledger Type , Click on Add button
    • For add Opening Balance for Every Ledger Account , Click on Ledger >Opening Balance
    • Manage Income Type Head

    • For Manage All Income Type, Click on Ledger>Income Master Head
    • Manage Expense Type Head

    • For Manage All Income Type, Click on Ledger>Expense Master Head
    • For Ledger Entery in Expense and Income Head

    • For Ledger Entery in Expense and Income Head , Click on Ledger>Ledger Entry
    • Purchase Report

    • For getting Purchase report, Click on Menu>Reports>Purchase Report
    • Sales Report

    • For getting Sales report, Click on Menu>Reports>Sales Report
    • Customer Report

    • For getting Customer report, Click on Menu>Reports>Customer Report
    • Supplier Report

    • For getting Supplier report, Click on Menu>Reports>Supplier Report
    • GST Report

    • For getting GST report, Click on Menu>Reports>GST Report
    • Ledger Report

    • For getting All Ledger report, Click on Menu>Reports>Ledger Report
    • Database Backup

    • For Database Backup, Click on Menu>Settings>Database Backup
    • For change Company Firm name and other setting click on

    • For change Company Firm name and other setting click on Setting Icon on Top Bar ,
    • Support Will provide from our profile Contact form on codecanyon . 
    • Support Will not Provide any types of customization.
    • If you need any customization so extra cost will be charge.
    • Single license support will provide for one single domain.

    For Support you can directly contact with us via email.

    Contact Email:

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