bhansalisoft-software tools

Telegram Channel Adder Software

149$ 6 Month

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License Terms

  • Quality Software
  • Feature Updates
  • 6 Month Support Inclued
  • Single Machine License

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this is pro telegram channel scraper software, scrap group members from chat history in hidden group and channel where chat history available and you can manage multiple telegram accounts with rotation feature for add member to your group and channel.with this software , you can increase your telegram group and channel members..we will give best premium support for this software ..


After Registration Licence , Start Software, software start with below screen

    Telegram Account Configuration

  • Click on Setting Icon on Top Bar , ,
  • Telegram Group Scraper

  • in this screen , click on Scrap Groups, then software will extract all telegram groups from your account
  • You can export all groups on excel file , click on Export Groups buttons
  • Extract Group Members
    • Click on "Get Members" button for specific group member which you want to extract
    • Software will scrap all group members from telegram chat history
    • You can export all group members on excel file , click on Export Members buttons
    • Group Member add from one group to another group

    • For Add member from one group to another , select destincation group from combo box and And Click on Add member button

Check software  demo video 

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Best and Quality Products by bhansalisoft

Review by tomary

Really Good and Best Software by bhansalisoft

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